Pictures of Chip and Joanna Gaines New Baby

Flake and Joanna Gaines' new infant, Crew Gaines, may be only nine months old, but he already has quite the photo album. His Fixer Upper parents have shared some sweetness snaps of their newborn boy, born June 21, including a few "firsts."

For example, Crew'south start major professional photograph op—his passport image. Chip held up the adorably smiley baby as he posed against a white background.

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With his travel documents officially taken intendance of, the jet-setting baby also got to tackle another notable milestone—his first walk on the embankment. Jo documented Crew'south inaugural sandy steps (thanks to a little help from his large sis) during a family unit trip to Tulum.

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He's plainly completely unbothered by cold weather, too, as Jo photographed her all-smiles little snowfall affections bundled up and having a blast in February.

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Speaking of smiles, Crew clocked in his offset two teeth in January when he hit half-dozen months. Conspicuously, he's pretty thrilled about it.

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Effectually the aforementioned time, he also started to outgrow his onesies. We're living for this film.

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The smallest Gaines kid squeezed in some other quick nap by mom's side during his first football game game (Baylor, of course), which was shared on both Chip's and Jo'southward Instagram accounts in September.

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In the photos, Crew slept soundly, strapped to Joanna in a beautiful baby sling.

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Joanna was sporting the same sling when a fan spotted them out and about.

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Different his iv older siblings, Coiffure has never been seen on Fleck and Jo'due south HGTV show. However, the infant did make an advent in this promotional video for Magnolia.

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That'southward not to say he's not involved in the family business, though. In fact, Coiffure'south conspicuously a huge aid, taking plenty of of import Magnolia phone calls—because it's never too early to learn the ropes.

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...But only when he's not getting easily distracted by fluffy sound equipment during filming.

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While near of Coiffure's baby pictures accept been posted from Joanna's account, Chip recently shared a very sweet photo of their youngest son—and it may be the best ane nevertheless. Like father, like son has never been more than real.

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He likewise posted an adorable shot of Crew taking a snooze on his arm back in July.

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Previously, Joanna uploaded another cute close-up of Crew napping on his dad'due south lap and revealed a unique family tradition.

"Chip started a tradition with Drake where he wore the hospital bracelet until it fell off," she captioned the capture, calculation, "looks similar the tradition lives on."

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The rocking chair on the porch appears to be Crew's favorite place.

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He'due south likewise been shown sleeping in his mom's arms in the same spot, while one of the family's dogs, Cookie, sits close past.

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He may exist his mom'due south "caress bug," as Joanna notes in another sweet selfie, but Crew's getting enough of "snuggle time" in with big sister Emmie Kay, too...

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...not to mention with dad and big brother, Knuckles.

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Emmie, 8, and Ella Rose, xi, even brought Crew outside to stargaze on the Gaines family farm.

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The littlest Gaines boy is already learning from big brothers Drake, 13, and Duke, 10. In this adorable close-up, he watches the boys play Wiffle ball in the lawn.

chip joanna gaines baby crew photo up close

Joanna Gaines via Instagram

Baby Gaines is certain to sleep soundly in his cute nursery, equally he's doing here in the get-go-ever film of the room. "He's settling in just fine," Joanna wrote.

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"Our babe male child, Crew Gaines, is here and we couldn't be more than in dear," Joanna said when she announced Crew'due south arrival, while simultaneously announcing his name, which has an interesting backstory. "He made an unexpected (and speedy) entrance into the earth ii and a half weeks early - which is fitting given he was a sweet surprise from 24-hour interval one. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. We are so grateful."

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Click through the Instagram slides higher up to see Crew coming together the fam for the beginning time—while rocking a seriously cute swaddle blanket.

Lifestyle Editor Taysha Murtaugh was the Lifestyle Editor at

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