Why Mpv Load Files Again When It Is in Loop

True cat'due south tail on the preview is an blithe path and I'll show you how to loop it.

How to loop a path in After Effects?

Alt-click on the Path property and paste an expression beneath.

// if y'all don't demand pingpong - false pingPong = false; try{   // offset - beginning keyframe   timeStart = thisProperty.primal(one).time;    // count duration   duration = thisProperty.key(thisProperty.numKeys).time - timeStart;    // cycle number   quant = Math.floor((time - timeStart) / duration);    if (quant < 0) quant = 0 // != 0   if (quant % ii == 1 && pingPong == true){      t = ii * timeStart + (quant+1) * duration - time;    } else {      t = time-quant*duration;   } } grab(e) {   t = time; } thisProperty.valueAtTime(t);

This expression works in the same way as a standard loop bicycle expression below.


How to loop a path like "pingpong"?

Alt-click on the Path property and paste an expression beneath.

// if you don't need pingpong - simulated pingPong = truthful; try{   // outset - showtime keyframe   timeStart = thisProperty.central(1).time;    // count duration   duration = thisProperty.primal(thisProperty.numKeys).time - timeStart;    // wheel number   quant = Math.floor((fourth dimension - timeStart) / duration);    if (quant < 0) quant = 0 // !=0   if (quant % 2 == 1 && pingPong == truthful) {      t = 2 * timeStart + (quant + i) * duration - fourth dimension;    } else {      t = time - quant * duration;   } } catch(e) {   t = time; } thisProperty.valueAtTime(t);

This expression works in the aforementioned fashion as a standard loop "pingpong" expression below.



Source: https://aejuice.com/blog/loop-path-after-effects/

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